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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are the leads tested? Do you call the numbers listed to verify them?
A: We research each lead to make sure that we have the correct address (ie., not a residential address) and that the lead has not already opened for business. We don't call every number, but we do an internet search on numbers to make sure they are legitimate. We DO call the phone number when there is a question as to whether or not they are already open for business. (Usually if a number is wrong, it's because the end user listed it wrong. Other times the Gov agency may input the number incorrectly.)

Not every lead has the same amount of info available, but we dig as deep as possible to get all that is out there. There are also times that we may visit the location in person to find out more, or we see a new place that is opening in our everyday travels and stop in to investigate.

Q: Does FBR cover the entire state of Georgia?
A: Yes

Q: What sets you apart from other Restaurant Leads Reports?
A: Much of the information that is out there is public knowledge and we all get much of the same info. It's knowing where to look, and doing the hours of research necessary to get the information that is valuable.

The difference is the way that we organize and present the information. We include Social Networking and Internet information as well as a Mapping tool. The report is emailed to you in PDF version with Hot Links which gives our subscribers the ability to "Click and Connect" directly with decision makers and web information. The LinkedIn connections will usually have the person's contact info in their profile. The Map Tool is my favorite, because as an ex outside sales person it gives you the ability to plan your day and sales strategy. Sometimes you may find yourself in an area that you didn't plan on going, and you can check to see if there are other prospects nearby! Plus we have some resources that other services don't use or don't know about. For example, we have a Private Discussion Board where we have been posting information since 2006, and it contains 5,726 Total Topics and 7,894 Total Posts. The DB is searchable and provides a wealth of historical information to draw from. In all, We have over 70 Resources that we scour for information.

Q: When is your Report Published?
A: We publish our Report on the second Wednesday of the month for two reasons: First, many projects are started at the beginning of the month and with a report that is published at the beginning of the month, it will be several weeks before you get that information. Second; There are no Holidays on the second Wednesday of the month (except for possibly Ash Wednesday) and the report doesn't get buried in your inbox if the 1st falls on a weekend or on a three day weekend.

We run credit cards on the 1st of the month and if there are any issues such as banks reissuing cards, or lost or stolen cancellations (happens all the time) we can fix the issue before publication and you won't miss that month's report (we have been doing it this way since 2006 and have never failed to deliver on time).

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A: [FAQ Answer]

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A: [FAQ Answer]